In a under developed remote village family namely ZIRANGO in Gajapathi Dist, ODISHA State, a six years girl can cook. In a small aluminum vessel with rice and water she cooks with some potatos adding little salt. She prepared food for her and her brother who is 8 years old boy. The reason behind, their parents expired and no one to look after them, became orphan. Social welfare Department of Orissa Government official was on a routine inspection in that area, he saw the two orphan children who were in very pathetic condition and he could not control himself literally wept. Then be brought to his office and put them in our NAVAJEEVAN ORPHAN CHILDREN HOME Parlekhimundi Branch – Orissa. They are very happy and as well as very smart. The girls name is SABITHA SAVARANU & the boy name is BASWANATHA SAVARANU, original tribal people. This is the condition of the society in our country.


These are some of the babble of the modernized word. A visit to the Navajeevan Ashram, Thiruchanoor, Tirupati (Andrapradesh) where tenderness of human heart and dynamism of divine life fuse, we inhale a breath of fresh air of new life.

Navajeevan Blind Relief Centre

Tirupati, Chittoor [Dist] – 517503
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Phone No: 0877-2239992/ 2238803