The Blind students had an opportunity to visit zoo in Tirupati and memorable experience to them in their words
Y.Jyothi – VIIth class student hardly able to conceal here excitement after she was given a chance to touch and get a cirtual feel of what a jumbo would be like.
K. Narasimhulu – IX class student, who is learning to mimicry the chirps of different birds, roars of wild animals and the croaking sounds of water birds.
G. Bharathi – Xth class her visit tot he zoo was both frghtful and funny. We never knew that they are 38 different species of birds in the zoo’s marvelous experience to listen to their chirping.
We felt sorry that God has not given us the chance to see and enjoy them all when our sir (Secretary of the school management committee K. Srinivasan) narrated as how beautiful the multi – colored birds looked as they sat on their perches.
New Orphan Children Home was Started:
One more orphan Children home was (Navajeevan Aanath Ashram) started for irrespective of case and creed exclusively for tribal children at Berhampur in Orissa state on 25-0312 in a rented house.
In the first phase 60 tribal children were admitted. They came with torn signal dress, which was very miserable condition. They have been privided with decent dress & serving tht food in the plate which is very unique feeling for them. They were staying in a small hut in the near by jungles. Navajeevan Aim is to bring them par with other Urban Education Children.